"The Trinity Defined"
In order to attain an in-depth understanding of the “unity in plurality,” two words need first to be defined:
- PERSON – This is the shortened form of the word “personality,” which is defined as those special characteristics that distinguish one individual from another; e.g., Intellect, Emotion, and Will.
- GOD – This word is used to denote deity, the nature of God, and is comprised of 5 distinctive characteristics:
1. Omniscience – Only God is All Knowing.
2. Omnipotence – Only God is All Powerful.
3. Omnipresence – Only God exists Simultaneously in All Places.
4. Eternalness – Only God has No Beginning, and No End.
5. Holiness – Only God exists Outside of Creation.
When studying the totality of the volumes of scripture, we find that there are only 3 Persons revealed in them with the required characteristics that mandate identification as God.
- Personality Characteristics:
1. Intellect – I Chronicles 28:9
2. Emotion – John 3:16
3. Will – Matthew 12:50
1. Omniscience – I John 3:20
2. Omnipotence – I Chronicles 29:12
3. Omnipresence – Proverbs 15:3
4. Eternalness – Psalms 90:2
5. Holiness – John 17:11
- Personality Characteristics:
1. Intellect – I Corinthians 2:16
2. Emotion – John 11:35, 36
3. Will – Matthew 28:18-20
1. Omniscience – John 16:30
2. Omnipotence – Matthew 28:18
3. Omnipresence – Acts 17:27
4. Eternalness – John 1:1-3
5. Holiness – mark 1:24
- Personality Characteristics:
1. Intellect – I Corinthians 2:12-14
2. Emotion – Ephesians 4:30
3. Will – Acts 16:6, 7
1. Omniscience – I Corinthians 2:9-11
2. Omnipotence – Romans 15:13, 19
3. Omnipresence – Psalms 139:7
4. Eternalness – Hebrews 9:14
5. Holiness – John 14:26
And these THREE PERSONS are called GOD in scripture:
- THE FATHER – John 3:16, 17
- THE WORD – John 20:27, 28
- THE HOLY SPIRIT – Acts 5:3, 4
Although these three persons are identified as God, this in no way implies three gods, as is the misapprehension of some. Instead, it implies a “TRI-UNITY.” These three, although separate persons, are in absolute unity. Thus, these THREE are ONE.